Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bull Snapper and Swamp Pit

A few additions to Barnabas' crew!

A Bull Snapper. Pretty happy with the result on this one. Had to do a decent amount of greenstuff work to get rid of some of the part edges. Sculpted a wee bit around the eye for the gash. Did a subtle striped pattern for the body, which I plan to do for the rest of my gators as I build them up, as well as the swamp bases for each model.

Also created a Swamp Pit Marker for Barnabas' Swamp Pit spell as well as the tier/pact swamp zone bonuses. 

This one was pretty fun to make, as I don't often do much terrain work. After cleaning up my desk, I found a lid to a Pringles can. Wondered if it could work as a terrain base and turn out it was 3" diameter, which worked out great! After watching a vid, I went through with it make it with DryDex Spackle, some sand, and some water effects. Tossed some fine grade flock into the water effects to give it a light algae look. The Pringles lid is a bit soft and isnt exactly flat, but it was a good first experiment. Actually nice since it has a slight curve to it where it allows a little bit underneath it and still lays flat.

Followed this tutorial series to make it, make a few substitutes for what I had on hand.

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