Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tutorial: Flesh Tearers Iconagraphy

A recent post on DakkaDakks spurred me to make a tutorial for making a buzzsaw for the Flesh Tearers Chapter Iconography.

Step 1: Get your base circular shape down. I recommend doing all the geometry work in pencil (mechanicals tend to work best). If you have any circular thigns to trace that suits the size of the buzzsaw (bottlecaps, vials,) or even better a Pencil Compass to get your exact size

Step Two: After you have your base color down, lightly divide the circle into sections with pencil, just like a pizza. For smaller saws I suggest less divisions since you may not be able to get in the detail with more teeth.

Step Three: Heres the detail work. Like in the figure below, draw the tooth edge. Starting at the tip of a division line, angle a line down (less than 45 degrees) and cut slightly into the next division. Then cut back up to the next division line point. You can either do this in pencil first or go right to the paint work, whatever you feel comfortable with.

Step Four: Repeat the process all the way around! Patience garners better results!

Step Five: Go in and fill in the surrounding color to the outside of the now formed buzzsaw.

Step Six: Get rid of the pencil lines (light erasing shall do) and toss in a blood drop. Now you have your Flesh Tearers symbol!


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