Sunday, August 26, 2012

Grand Scrutating with Severius.

One of my newly completed warcasters, Grand Scrutator Severius. I had a blast working on this guy, as he is one of my favorite Menoth models, maybe one my favorite sculpts from all of Privateers products.

 On this model I got to flex a bit with the P3 paints capability for excellent blending. I started off with a layer of Menoth Base for the cream robes, then going over it with a Gryphone Sepia Wash(dont remember the new name for it). Then I went back and highlighted with Menoth Base, then further highlights with Menoth Base Highlight. I like to keep my tones for Menoth warm, so the sepia was really helps out. Likewise with the cloak and reds. which started out as Sanguine Base, then a very light and gradual drybrush of Blood Red, and Gryphone Sepia wash, then Blood Red retouching. After that i further highlighted with a mix of orange and red, then orange.

All and all, im pretty pleased with him in general. Just a matter of converting Widowmakers and sniping at the enemy warcaster!

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    just started to play Warmachine (I bought the 2 player set and am playing with my kids). I finished painting the Kador side except for the 'caster and am about to start with Menoth. Like you I think the PP scheme is too cold for fire crazy Menoth and I wanted to do mine with slightly more warm white and red trim instead of purple. Basically exactly the scheme you are doing. So here is the point of my comment, I find your miniature very nice and I am happy that this confirms my choice of scheme before starting to paint it.

    Another comment regarding the cool/warm for painting Kadhor I had found the opposite, I find PP's scheme too fiery orange and I did mine in Red but with purple shading which makes for a cooler look.

    Good job on this and all other paint job and conversions, when I saw this blogpost I couldn't help but look at all the others. Too bad some pics are not working
