As always, before you start, paint in any spots missed by your primer. I had a few spots between the body and the wrack that were a bit tough to get to with the spray, but a some quick brushwork remedied that.
I prefer to work section to section rather than doing all my basecoats, all my highlights, etc, mainly due to the drybrushing for the metal. For this tutorial, I am using GW paints only due to that what I have and I didn't wish to buy more paint that I didn't need.
Fist I decided to tackle the Metal parts, as they were the majority of the model.I went with a dingy green look that I had done on Reznik's wrack. I liked how it came out so I figured I'd do the same for these.
So first, I started off with a mix of roughly 50% Boltgun Metal, 25% Catchan Green, 25% Black.
I then followed that up with a dry brush of Boltgun Metal, then highlights and scratches with Mithril Silver. I finished it up with a bit of rust done with an even mix of Tin Bitz and Blazing Orange.
I find that watering down my highlight paint helps me create more fine lines and scratches and avoids overly-bright highlights.
Once the metal was done and dry, I moved on the the body. I started out with a foundation of Tallarn Flesh. The GW foundation paints are suprisingly effective and coat on very well, which is especially good for this transition from black primer to flesh tone.
I then did a careful drybrush of Elf Flesh. Since the model had a lot of detail in the musculature and ribs, I found it was best to do a dry brush and let that bring out the details rather than a applying the second color normally.
To do the blood/worn skin around the shackles, I conveniently had some old GW Red Ink laying around, which I watered down and put right in. A red wash or even watered down Blood red would work equally as good. When doing parts like this, I found it looks best if after the red is done, go back over towards the end and carefully drybrush/blend it in so that there sudden color change.
After the skin was complete, I did the cloth which was Graveyard Earth with a highlight of a 50/50 mix of Graveyard Earth/Bleached Bone. After that I moved onto the hanging censers and helmet.
Those were done with an 50/50 of Boltgun Metal and Shining gold (I didn't have Burnished Gold), and then highlighted with a 50/50 mix of Mithril Silver and Shining Gold. I finished up with his little buddy perched on top, giving him a simple drybrush of 50/50 Codex Grey and Chaos Black.
And here is the finished result based and ready to go.
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. I will most likely have one up for other Menoth pieces in the near future.